Welcome to the section where everything else goes! Reviews of games that are 573 times better than mine, random thoughts, flash tutorials, and more.

Oscillator Demo Stuff

Everything was going fine, I had uploaded the demo to this website, and suddenly when I was playtesting it, the music stopped. It came back on after a couple of seconds, and after some testing it turned out the music stopped for a bit after each time it looped. It happened because I had a music file about 19 seconds long, while the actual music loop was about 17 seconds long, so I told Flash to start playing the music every 17*24(the fps) frames. Unfortunately when I put it on the website some minor lag showed up that slowed down the game but not the music, which meant that when the music stopped, the game hadn't reached 17*24 frames yet.

Don't worry, it was pretty easily fixed by cropping the music file to 17*24 seconds and setting it to loop when the music finished, but it's nice that the bug was fixed before I added all the game music, or fixing it might have taken a while.

Game review 1: Lost in the Static

The first game I'll review is Lost in the Static, a game by Silver Spaceship Software. As the name implies, the game consists entirely of static and pleasant music. If you take a screenshot anywhere in the game, as the site shows, it will look like a jumble of black and white, but while you're playing it looks like a guy jumping around platforms avoiding a harmful liquid of some sort.

The background is a mashup of black and white moving to the down-left, your guy looks like a quickly fluctuating jumble of dots, the harmful liquid is a similar jumble but it changes less frequently, and platforms are made of similar random dots but "platform dots" don't change.In other words, the game uses movement to show you what's going on, and the effect is rather nice.

Now on to the gameplay. All of the screens are fairly easy, even the "boss" can be passed with hardly any effort, and if you happen to die the game starts you at the begininng of the screen you died on. There are at least two points, though, where you can choose to take an upper or lower path (although the upper path isn't that obvious when you come to it), and a challenge on the website to discover and beat both of them. The first one of these is easy but the second is actually quite difficult.

All in all, it's a fun but short game with a very original idea. Download it!

Absolutely every command I know in Flash in no particular order

In frames: stop( ) and play( ) and gotoAndPlay( ) and gotoAndStop( ) and nextFrame( ) and prevFrame( ).

In movieclips: onClipEvent(load or enterFrame),  this._x and this._y,  this._xscale and this._yscale,  if and else,  defining and changing and using variables,  hitTest,  all the Math.stuff ones,  this._rotation,  += and -= and *= and /=,  gotoAndPlay( ) and gotoAndStop( ) and nextFrame( ) and prevFrame( ),  the one with for (var i=0; i<number; i++) and _root["word" + i],  Key.isDown,  this._alpha.

Other fancy stuff: Making dynamic text.

 That's all...